Wednesday 16 September 2009

Storyboard, actors, scenes and locations

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Mise en scene

I need to think about what to include in each frame carefully and have been inspired by the music videos I have already analysed. Here are a few examples of how I will create mise en scene in a shot to create meaning and purpose.

1. Two shot - placing the couple in a shot together will highlight their companionship.

2. Close up - showing the couples facial expressions up close will show the audience how happy they are together.

3. Long shot - when Chris leaves his house to go away from home, I framed the shot to show the dustbins and part of the garage door to identify his house clearly. He also carries a suit case with him to indicate that he is going to stay somewhere.

At the start of the video, I will try to find ways in hiding the artist's identity to hold mystery and suspense.

1. Firstly I may add a mid to long shot of a group of stepping stones over a trickling stream, and the artist jumping over them. I will make sure to frame the shot so that only the bottom half of the artist was showing, hiding her face.

2. Then, I will include a dolly shot of the piano that moves behind the artist again hiding her identity until later on.

Piano + stool
Chris Bradbury

I have decided to use myself and my current boyfriend, Chris as the cast in my music video as we are of the right age (teens) and have a young, healthy relationship. The connection between the two main characters has to be felt by the audience in order for them to capture the romance and emotion in the video.

As I see Chris on a regular basis it will be easy to find time to film with him and allow me, as a director to be very precise about how he should play his character.

Camera crew
Becky McLoughin
Chris Bradbury

As a proportion of the scenes shot included me and Chris together, I need another camera crew member to join us. Even though Becky will be behind the camera a lot of the time, I will make sure to frame and direct each shot myself, using Becky to stop and start the recording.


1) Piano scenes - in main school hall

I have decided to use the school hall for several reasons. Firstly, I need a wide open space so that I can vary the distance and framing of shots. The use of the balcony will allow me to include birds eye and high angled shots of the artist which will give variation to the video. Also, in parts of the video where the hall scenes are shot, it is important to show the main artist alone to confirm her as a soloist and reinforce her sense of loneliness in the video. I think the desertion of the hall was perfect for this.

The small grand piano in the hall is a beautiful instrument and produces a full, rich sound and its warm colour tones match well to the outdoor scenes in the woods. I love the look of the hall with its high ceiling, huge windows, wooden floor boards and panelled walls which will give the artist a high class, professional look.

2) Outdoor scenes - Barton Hills/ long stretch of road/ anywhere

I have chosen my outdoor filming location Barton Hills because it is a picturesque place with lots of stretching fields and hills which will create a tranquil mood that I want to portray.

I will need to choose relatively bright days to film outside, with no rain or a lot of wind as this would disrupt filming and may cause damage to the equipment. I also need a shot of a sunset for the concluding shots so I will try and pick a clear, sunny day to film on (if that is possible in October!) I learnt that it is best to film in day light as my Foundation portfolio, which was shot at night considerably lowered the quality of the final outcome.

For the scenes featuring the young couple, the costume will be up to the actor/actresse's choice and consist of every day casual wear. I will make sure that each actor and actress has sets of clothing for the different time settings in my video.

For the shots of the main artist playing the piano, I will wear a professional concert dress as this is something of what a musician would be expected to wear at a professional concert venue.

Scenes and locations

Barton hills: shots 1-3, 5+7, 15, 24-30, 41-46, 50+51
Main school hall piano scenes: shots 4, 6, 8-9, 31, 33-35, (38+40)
Chris listening - shots 48+49

Me and Chris together:
Car - shots 10-14
Wall - shot 16
House/street - shots 17-21, 22-23

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