Monday 7 December 2009

Audience feedback questionnaire

1. Please circle your age range
0-12 13-24 25-35 36-50 50-65 65+

2. Were you…
Entertained? Yes / no
Bored? Yes / no
Confused? Yes / no

3. What would you say the theme of the video is?


4. How would you score the quality of the filming? Poor / average / excellent

5. Would you say that the video has a sense of flow and continuity? Yes / no

6. Is the narrative easy to follow? Yes / no

7. Is there a strong link between the music and visuals of the film? Yes / no
(if not, please explain how you think this could be achieved)


8. Are there any particular features of the editing that caught your eye?


9. Does the music video contain features that you would expect to see in a media text of this kind? Yes / no

10. What was your favourite moment? Why?


11. Did the music video have an effect on your emotionally? Yes/No

12. What did you think of the music to which the video was set? Poor / average / excellent

13. What would you suggest needs to be added/changed to improve the video? (please explain)


14. Who do you think the intended audience is? Why?


15. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, which rating would you give my music video? (please circle)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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